Mintify Editorial Guidelines


Value Statement

At Mintify, we know that journalistic integrity, accuracy, and independence are not just principles but the foundation of our existence and success. We don’t just pay this lip service. Our commitment to these values is fundamental to our mission and extends into our commercial model, recognising that trust is a valuable asset earned over time. We are transparent about our revenue streams and resolute in our adherence to rigorous editorial standards.

Editorial Mission


1. Research-Driven Content

All Mintify content is rooted in comprehensive research, utilising both independent data gathering and heuristic analysis. We prioritise factual accuracy and ensure that every piece is reflective of the real subject matter, attributes of the financial products or providers being discussed.

2. Expert Insight and Analysis

Our team, complemented by industry experts, provides in-depth analysis and insights. This expertise forms the backbone of our content, offering readers a well-rounded and informed perspective.

3. Proprietary Assessment Frameworks

To objectively evaluate financial companies and their products, we have developed unique assessment frameworks. These tools enable us to produce content that is not only rich in data but also fair and unbiased.

4. Independence from External Influence

Editorial independence is paramount. Content at Mintify is never influenced by our partners or advertisers. We do this by creating clear lines of separation between editorial and commercial functions. This ensures that our reporting and analysis remain unbiased and focused solely on serving the interests of our readers.

5. Transparency in Operations

We believe in being open about how we operate and generate revenue. This transparency extends to our editorial process, making it clear that our financial incentives do not compromise the integrity of our content.

6. Commitment to Continuous Improvement

In a rapidly evolving financial landscape, we continually refine our methodologies and update our content to reflect the latest information and trends.

7. Engagement with Our Audience

We encourage feedback and engagement from our readers. This helps us maintain a pulse on the needs and concerns of our audience, ensuring that our content remains relevant and valuable.

8. Compliance with Regulatory Standards

Adherence to the relevant UK financial regulatory standards is non-negotiable. We ensure that all content is compliant with these regulations, further cementing our commitment to accuracy and reliability.

9. Ethical Reporting

Every member of our team adheres to the highest ethical standards in journalism. We strive to avoid conflicts of interest and disclose any potential biases.

10. Accessibility and Inclusivity

Our content is crafted to be accessible to a wide range of readers, regardless of their financial literacy levels. We aim to empower our audience with the knowledge to make informed financial decisions.


Fact-Checking Protocol

At Mintify, we recognize the critical importance of fact-checking in maintaining the trust and credibility of our publication. Our rigorous fact-checking protocol is an integral part of our editorial process, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of all content published.

Fact-Checking Principles

Verification of Sources: All information, data, and statistics used in our content are verified against reputable sources. This includes official financial reports, regulatory filings, and accredited financial databases. We prioritize primary sources and corroborate information through multiple channels.

Expert Review: Before publication, content undergoes review by financial experts. These experts ensure technical accuracy and compliance with current financial practices and regulations.

Cross-Checking Data: Data presented in our articles, especially concerning financial products and services, is cross-checked for consistency and accuracy with the information provided by the financial companies and independent research.

Corrections and Updates: Should any inaccuracies be identified post-publication, we are committed to promptly correcting them. Our content is regularly reviewed and updated to reflect the most current and accurate information.

Clear Source Attribution: We maintain transparency by clearly attributing sources. This allows our readers to verify the information and understand the basis of our findings and conclusions.

Implementation Process

Assigning Fact-Checkers: Dedicated fact-checkers, who are separate from the writing and editorial team, are assigned to scrutinize articles for factual accuracy.

Utilizing Fact-Checking Tools: We employ various fact-checking tools and databases to verify factual claims, especially when dealing with quantitative data and historical information.

Regular Training: Our fact-checkers and editorial staff undergo regular training to stay abreast of the best practices in fact-checking and to be familiar with the latest developments in the financial sector.

Reader Engagement: We encourage our readers to report any perceived inaccuracies. Feedback from our audience is taken seriously and acted upon swiftly.

Commitment to Accuracy

Our commitment to accuracy is unwavering. Through our stringent fact-checking protocol, Mintify upholds the highest standards of journalistic integrity, reinforcing our position as a trustworthy and authoritative voice in personal finance journalism.