Who we are

We’re Mintify and we’re not a just another finance media organisation. We’re driven by a deep sense of purpose and consumer first principles and exist for one reason only; to improve the financial well-being of people and small businesses (SMEs) throughout the United Kingdom.

We do this by providing essential news, analysis, actionable market insights and research findings for financial consumers and small businesses in the UK, alongside a suite of tools and resources that help put our content and expertise to practical use.

Our Mission

We are building an independent media organisation with a purpose that extends way beyond profit, openly challenging the financial status quo and prioritising transparency, ethics and integrity over economics, partners or other special interests. We aspire to be the most trusted financial platform that UK consumers use to make financial decisions with confidence across a broad range of product categories. We demystify complex financial topics and empower people and small businesses to make non advised, informed decisions that they can trust to best suit their unique financial goals and needs.

To do this, we create, package and distribute high value content across multiple platforms, including social, video, web, long-form, short-form, video, audio, and more. We are storytellers, designers, copywriters and analysts and have extensive knowledge of making content travel fast and far on the internet.

Our Values

Consumer First

We commit to building an ongoing, rich and detailed understanding of UK consumers and their evolving needs. Customer centricity is at our core and all activity flows from here.

Value above all else

We design, build and release a continuous flow of value with absolute dedication to our audience and their financial well-being.


Thinking small is a self-fulfilling prophecy. We create and communicate a bold vision and direction that inspires energy, purpose and action towards meaningful goals, no matter how distant they may seem.

Outcomes over outputs

Delivery is always linked back to the outcome we’re trying to achieve on behalf of our audience. Delivering a “thing” but not achieving a target outcome, holds little value.

Data over opinions

While we value opinions, expertise and intuition, we value the data above all else. We publish only research-backed, data-rich content, free from inherant bias or conflict of interest.

Trust and integrity

We hold ourselves accountable for doing the right thing, even when that activity comes at the expense of our own immediate needs, aligning all action with our ethics and vision.


The value we build and publish is for everyone in the UK. Our products, tools, resources and services are inclusive by design.

Inclusion and diversity

We aim to include and represent the full, diverse population of the UK in our content and through our technology solutions.